HTBasic 9.3
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
723 lines
:Base REFMAN.hlp
:Title Reference Manual
:Index Installing and Using Manual=htbinstall.hlp
:Index User's Guide=htbusers.hlp
:Index BasicPlus=BPLUS.hlp
:Link htbinstall.hlp
:Link htbusers.hlp
:Link BPLUS.hlp
1 Reference Manual
2 Contents=Reference_Manual_Contents
2 Chapter 1 Introduction
3 Chapter 1 Introduction=Chapter_1_Introduction
3 Manual Conventions=Manual_Conventions
3 Syntax Conventions=Syntax_Conventions
3 Printing Conventions=Printing_Conventions
2 Chapter 2 Definitions
3 Chapter 2 Definitions=Chapter_2_Definitions
3 Definition A=Definitions_A
3 Definition B=Definition_B
3 Definition C=Definition_C
3 Definition D=Definition_D
3 Definition E=Definition_E
3 Definition F=Definition_F
3 Definition I=Definition_I
3 Definition L=Definition_L
3 Definition M=Definition_M
3 Definition N=Definition_N
3 Definition O=Definition_O
3 Definition P=Definition_P
3 Definition R=Definition_R
3 Definition S=Definition_S
3 Definition U=Definition_U
3 Definition V=Definition_V
3 Angle=Angle
3 Array=Array
3 Array Name=Array_Name
3 ASCII file type=ASCII_file_type
3 BDAT file type=BDAT
3 Boolean Expression=Boolean_Expression
3 COM Block=COM_Block
3 COM Block Name=COM_Block_Name
3 Context=Context
3 Device Selector=Device_Selector
3 DOS file type=DOS_file_type
3 Event=Event
3 File Specifier=File_Specifier
3 Full Array Specifier=Full_Array_Specifier
3 Function Name=Function_Name
3 Integer DEF=Integer_DEF
3 Integer Array=Integer_Array
3 Interface Select Code=Interface_Select_Code
3 Line Label=Line_Label
3 Line Number=Line_Number
3 Local Variable=Local_Variable
3 Long DEF=Long_DEF
3 Matrix=Matrix
3 Numeric Array=Numeric_Array
3 Numeric Array Element=Numeric_Array_Element
3 Numeric Constant=Numeric_Constant
3 Numeric Expression=Numeric_Expression
3 Numeric Name=Numeric_Name
3 Ordinary file=Ordinary_file
3 Path Specifier=Path_Specifier
3 Pen Number=Pen_Number
3 Pipe Specifier=Pipe_Specifier
3 Precedence=Precedence
3 Primary Address=Primary_Address
3 Priority DEF=Priority_DEF
3 PROG file type=PROG_file_type
3 Real DEF=Real_DEF
3 Record Number=Record_Number
3 Scientific Notation=Scientific_Notation
3 Signal Number=Signal_Number
3 Softkey Macro=Softkey_Macro
3 Static DEF=Static_DEF
3 String=String
3 String Array=String_Array
3 String Array Element=String_Array_Element
3 String Expression=String_Expression
3 String Literal=String_Literal
3 String Name=String_Name
3 Sub-string=Sub_string
3 Subprogram Name=Subprogram_Name
3 Subscript=Subscript
3 UNIX file type=UNIX_file_type
3 Variable Name=Variable_Name
3 Vector=Vector
3 Volume Label=Volume_Label
3 Volume Specifier=Volume_Specifier
2 Chapter 3 Statement Summary
3 Chapter_3___Statement_Summary=Chapter_3___Statement_Summary
2 Chapter 4 Keyword Dictionary
3 Chapter 4 Keyword Dictionary=Chapter_4
3 ABORT - Stops an active TRANSFER.=ABORT
3 ABS - Returns the absolute value of an expression.=ABS
3 ACS - Returns the arccosine of an expression.=ACS
3 ACSH - Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of an expression.=ACSH
3 ALLOCATE - Dynamically allocates string variables and arrays.=ALLOCATE
3 ALPHA - Controls the visibility of the ALPHA screen area.=ALPHA
3 ALPHA HEIGHT - Sets the number of lines used for the ALPHA screen.=ALPHA_HEIGHT
3 ALPHA PEN - Sets the ALPHA display color.=ALPHA_PEN
3 AND - Performs the logical conjunction of two expressions.=AND
3 AREA - Sets or defines an AREA fill color.=AREA
3 ARG - Returns the Argument (Angle) of a complex number.=ARG
3 ASN - Returns the arcsine of an expression.=ASN
3 ASNH - Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of an expression.=ASNH
3 ASSIGN - Sets up an I/O path and its attributes.=ASSIGN
3 ATN - Returns the arctangent of an expression.=ATN
3 ATNH - Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of an expression.=ATNH
3 ATN2 - Returns the angle to a point.=ATN2
3 AXES - Draws x-y axes.=AXES
3 BASE - Returns the lower bound of an array dimension.=BASE
3 BEEP - Generates music or sound effects.=BEEP
3 BINAND - Performs a bit by bit logical AND.=BINAND
3 BINCMP - Performs a bit by bit complement.=BINCMP
3 BINEOR - Performs a bit by bit exclusive OR (EXOR).=BINEOR
3 BINEQV - Performs a bit by bit equivalence operation.=BINEQV
3 BINIMP - Performs a bit by bit implication operation.=BINIMP
3 BINIOR - Performs a bit by bit inclusive OR.=BINIOR
3 BIT - Allows any bit in an INTEGER to be tested.=BIT
3 BREAK - Sends a BREAK on a serial interface.=BREAK
3 CALL - Starts execution of specified SUBprogram or CSUB.=CALL
3 CAT - Displays a catalog of files or PROG file contexts.=CAT
3 CAUSE ERROR - Simulates a specified error.=CAUSE_ERROR
3 CHANGE - Finds and replaces strings.=CHANGE
3 CHECKREAD - Enables/disables verification of data sent to disk.=CHECKREAD
3 CHGRP - Sets the Group Ownership of a file.=CHGRP
3 CHOWN - Sets the Individual Ownership of a file.=CHOWN
3 CHR$ - Creates ASCII character from decimal value.=CHR$
3 CHRX - Returns the width of a character cell.=CHRX
3 CHRY - Returns the height of a character cell.=CHRY
3 CINT - Converts a value to INTEGER.=CINT
3 CLEAR - Sends an IEEE-488 bus Device Clear.=CLEAR
3 CLEAR ERROR - Resets all error indicators.=CLEAR_ERROR
3 CLEAR LINE - Clears the keyboard input line.=CLEAR_LINE
3 CLIP - Changes the clipping rectangle.=CLIP
3 CMPLX - Combines real and imaginary parts to return a complex number.=CMPLX
3 COLOR - Defines and selects the color for graphics.=COLOR
3 COM - Defines global variables.=COM
3 COMMAND$ - Returns a copy of the command line.=COMMAND$
3 COMPLEX - Reserves storage for complex variables and arrays.=COMPLEX
3 CONFIGURE BDAT - Specifies the byte order for CREATE BDAT.=CONFIGURE_BDAT
3 CONFIGURE CREATE - Specifies the kind of file header used with typed files.=CONFIGURE_CREATE
3 CONFIGURE DIM - Turns implicit variable dimensioning on or off.=CONFIGURE_DIM
3 CONFIGURE DUMP - Specifies the graphic printer language for DUMP.=CONFIGURE_DUMP
3 CONFIGURE KBD - Defines keyboard mappings for character sets.=CONFIGURE_KBD
3 CONFIGURE KEY - Assigns editor functions to keyboard keys.=CONFIGURE_KEY
3 CONFIGURE LABEL - Defines characters for the LABEL statement.=CONFIGURE_LABEL
3 CONFIGURE MSI - Specifies HP style volume specifier translations.=CONFIGURE_MSI
3 CONFIGURE PRT - Specifies the value of PRT.=CONFIGURE_PRT
3 CONFIGURE SAVE - Sets the file type produced by SAVE.=CONFIGURE_SAVE
3 CONJG - Returns the conjugate of a complex number.=CONJG
3 CONT - Restarts a program which is PAUSEd.=CONT
3 CONTROL - Sends control information to an interface or I/O path.=CONTROL
3 COPY - Copies files.=COPY
3 COPYLINES - Copies program lines from one location to another.=COPYLINES
3 COS - Returns the cosine of an expression.=COS
3 COSH - Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an expression.=COSH
3 CREATE - Creates an ordinary file.=CREATE
3 CREATE BDAT - Creates a BDAT (binary data) file.=CREATE_BDAT
3 CREATE DIR - Creates a directory.=CREATE_DIR
3 CRT - Returns the integer 1, the CRT interface select code.=CRT
3 CSIZE - Sets the character size for LABEL and SYMBOL.=CSIZE
3 CSUB - Compiled SUBprograms.=CSUB
3 CVT$ - Convert strings from one alphabet to another.=CVT$
3 DATA - Stores data items in the program.=DATA
3 DATE - Converts a string representing a date to a number of seconds.=DATE
3 DATE$ - Takes a numeric value representing seconds and formats it into a date string.=DATE$
3 DEALLOCATE - Frees memory space reserved by the ALLOCATE statement.=DEALLOCATE
3 DEF FN - Begins a user-defined function subprogram.=DEF_FN
3 DEG - Sets the trigonometric mode to degrees.=DEG
3 DEL - Deletes program lines.=DEL
3 DELSUB - Deletes SUB or CSUB subprograms from memory.=DELSUB
3 DET - Returns the determinant of a matrix.=DET
3 DIGITIZE - Inputs digitized X and Y coordinates.=DIGITIZE
3 DIM - Dimensions REAL arrays and strings.=DIM
3 DISABLE - Disables event-initiated branches.=DISABLE
3 DISABLE INTR - Disables interrupts from the specified interface.=DISABLE_INTR
3 DISP - Displays items on the CRT display line.=DISP
3 DISPLAY FUNCTIONS - Controls the display of control characters on the CRT.=DISPLAY_FUNCTIONS
3 DIV - Returns the quotient of an integer divide operation.=DIV
3 DOT - Returns the dot product of two numeric vectors.=DOT
3 DRAW - Draws a line to the X,Y location.=DRAW
3 DROUND - Rounds a numeric-expression to the specified number of digits.=DROUND
3 DUMP - Copies the contents of the display to a printing device.=DUMP
3 DUMP DEVICE IS - Defines the printing device used by DUMP.=DUMP_DEVICE_IS
3 DVAL - Converts a binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal string to a real number.=DVAL
3 DVAL$ - Converts a number to a binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal string.=DVAL$
3 EDIT - Puts you into program EDIT mode.=EDIT
3 EDIT KEY - Puts you into softkey EDIT mode.=EDIT_KEY
3 ENABLE - Enables all event-initiated branches suspended by DISABLE.=ENABLE
3 ENABLE INTR - Enables interrupts from a specified interface.=ENABLE_INTR
3 END - Marks the end of the program.=END
3 ENTER - Inputs data and assigns it to variables.=ENTER
3 ENVIRON$ - Returns information from the operating system environment.=ENVIRON$
3 ERRL - Compares a line number with ERRLN.=ERRL
3 ERRLN - Returns the program line number on which the last error occurred.=ERRLN
3 ERRM$ - Returns the error message text of the last error.=ERRM$
3 ERRN - Returns the last error number.=ERRN
3 ERROR RETURN - Returns program execution to the line following the most recent error.=ERROR_RETURN
3 ERROR SUBEXIT - Returns subprogram execution to the line following the most recent error.=ERROR_SUBEXIT
3 EXECUTE - Executes an operating system command.=EXECUTE
3 EXOR - Performs a Logical exclusive OR of two expressions.=EXOR
3 EXP - Returns "e" raised to a power.=EXP
3 FBYTE - Checks for first byte of a two byte character.=FBYTE
3 FIND - Searches for specified characters in a program.=FIND
3 FIX - Truncates a value to INTEGER.=FIX
3 FN - Executes a user-defined function.=FN
3 FOR ... NEXT - Executes a loop a fixed number of times.=FOR_____NEXT
3 FRACT - Returns the fractional part of an argument.=FRACT
3 FRAME - Draws a frame around the clipping area.=FRAME
3 FRE - Returns the amount of free memory.=FRE
3 GCLEAR - Clears the graphics screen.=GCLEAR
3 GESCAPE - Sends device-specific information to a graphic device.=GESCAPE
3 GET - Loads LIF, DOS or UNIX ASCII program file into memory.=GET
3 GINIT - Initializes graphics parameters to their default values.=GINIT
3 GLOAD - Loads an integer array into the CRT display buffer.=GLOAD
3 GOSUB - Transfers control to a subroutine.=GOSUB
3 GOTO - Transfers control to a specified line.=GOTO
3 GRAPHICS - Makes the graphics screen visible or invisible.=GRAPHICS
3 GRAPHICS INPUT IS - Defines the device to be used for graphic input.=GRAPHICS_INPUT_IS
3 GRID - Draws a grid pattern.=GRID
3 GSEND - Sends commands to the PLOTTER IS device.=GSEND
3 GSTORE - Stores the CRT display buffer into an integer array.=GSTORE
3 HELP - Displays Manual pages on the computer screen.=HELP
3 IDRAW - Draws a line an incremental distance.=IDRAW
3 IF ... THEN - Performs an action if a condition is true.=IF_____THEN
3 IMAG - Returns the imaginary part of a complex number.=IMAG
3 IMAGE - Defines the format for data input and output.=IMAGE
3 IMOVE - Lifts and moves the logical pen position incrementally.=IMOVE
3 INDENT - Indents a program to reflect its structure.=INDENT
3 INITIALIZE - Initializes mass storage media.=INITIALIZE
3 INMEM - Identifies if a subprogram is loaded.=INMEM
3 INP and INPW - Inputs a byte or word from an I/O Port.=INP_and_INPW
3 INPUT - Inputs numeric or string data from the keyboard.=INPUT
3 INT - Performs the greatest integer function.=INT
3 INTEGER - Declares and dimensions INTEGER variables.=INTEGER
3 IPLOT - Moves the pen relative to its present location.=IPLOT
3 IVAL - Converts a binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal string to an INTEGER.=IVAL
3 IVAL$ - Converts an INTEGER to a binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal string.=IVAL$
3 KBD - Returns a 2, the device select code of the keyboard.=KBD
3 KBD$ - Returns the contents of the ON KBD buffer.=KBD$
3 KBD CMODE - Sets softkey compatibility mode.=KBD_CMODE
3 KBD LINE PEN - Sets the pen color for the input line.=KBD_LINE_PEN
3 KEY LABELS - Controls the display of the softkey labels.=KEY_LABELS
3 KEY LABELS PEN - Sets the color for the softkey labels.=KEY_LABELS_PEN
3 KNOBX - Returns and resets the KNOBX counter value.=KNOBX
3 KNOBY - Returns and resets the KNOBY counter value.=KNOBY
3 LABEL - Prints text on graphic devices.=LABEL
3 LDIR - Sets the angle for drawing LABELs and SYMBOLs.=LDIR
3 LEN - Returns the number of characters in a string.=LEN
3 LET - Assigns a value to a variable.=LET
3 LEXICAL ORDER IS - Defines "alphabetical" order for string comparisons.=LEXICAL_ORDER_IS
3 LGT - Computes common (base 10) logarithms.=LGT
3 LINE TYPE - Sets the style or dash pattern and repeat length of lines.=LINE_TYPE
3 LINK - Makes a hard link to a file.=LINK
3 LINPUT - Reads alphanumeric keyboard input to a string.=LINPUT
3 LIST - Lists the program in memory to the selected device.=LIST
3 LIST BIN - Lists each BIN currently in memory.=LIST_BIN
3 LIST KEY - Lists the softkey macro definitions.=LIST_KEY
3 LOAD - Loads a user program into memory.=LOAD
3 LOAD BIN - Loads a BIN system program file into memory.=LOAD_BIN
3 LOAD KEY - Loads softkey macro definitions into memory.=LOAD_KEY
3 LOADSUB - Loads a BASIC subprogram into memory.=LOADSUB
3 LOCAL - Returns specified IEEE-488 devices to their local state.=LOCAL
3 LOCK - Secures a file for exclusive access.=LOCK
3 LOG - Computes natural (base "e") logarithms.=LOG
3 LOOP - Defines a series of statements to be executed repeatedly.=LOOP
3 LORG - Specifies the position of a LABEL relative to the current position.=LORG
3 LWC$ - Converts characters in a string to lowercase.=LWC$
3 MASS STORAGE IS - Assigns the current mass storage device and directory.=MASS_STORAGE_IS
3 MAT - Specifies an array operation.=MAT
3 MAT REORDER - Reorders array elements by a supplied subscript list.=MAT_REORDER
3 MAT SEARCH - Searches an array for user specified conditions.=MAT_SEARCH
3 MAT SORT - Sorts string or numeric array data.=MAT_SORT
3 MAX - Returns the maximum value of a list of expressions.=MAX
3 MAXLEN - Gets maximum declared length of a string variable.=MAXLEN
3 MAXREAL - Returns the largest positive REAL number.=MAXREAL
3 MERGE ALPHA WITH GRAPHICS - Enables all planes for Alpha and Graphics.=MERGE_ALPHA_WITH_GRAPHICS
3 MIN - Returns the minimum value of a list of expressions.=MIN
3 MINREAL - Returns the smallest positive REAL number.=MINREAL
3 MOD - Returns remainder after integer division.=MOD
3 MODULO - Returns the true mathematical modulus.=MODULO
3 MOVE - Moves the logical and physical pens to a new position.=MOVE
3 MOVELINES - Moves program lines from one location to another.=MOVELINES
3 NOT - Returns the logical negation of an expression.=NOT
3 NPAR - Returns number of parameters passed to a subprogram.=NPAR
3 NUM - Returns decimal ASCII equivalent of the first character in a string.=NUM
3 OFF CYCLE - Cancels event branches defined by ON CYCLE.=OFF_CYCLE
3 OFF DELAY - Cancels event branches defined by ON DELAY.=OFF_DELAY
3 OFF END - Cancels event branches defined by ON END.=OFF_END
3 OFF EOR - Cancels event branches defined by ON EOR.=OFF_EOR
3 OFF EOT - Cancels event branches defined by ON EOT.=OFF_EOT
3 OFF ERROR - Cancels event branches defined by ON ERROR.=OFF_ERROR
3 OFF INTR - Cancels event branches defined by ON INTR.=OFF_INTR
3 OFF KBD - Cancels event branches defined by ON KBD.=OFF_KBD
3 OFF KEY - Cancels event branches defined by ON KEY.=OFF_KEY
3 OFF KNOB - Cancels event branches defined by ON KNOB.=OFF_KNOB
3 OFF SIGNAL - Cancels event branches defined by ON SIGNAL.=OFF_SIGNAL
3 OFF TIME - Cancels event branches defined by ON TIME.=OFF_TIME
3 OFF TIMEOUT - Cancels event branches defined by ON TIMEOUT.=OFF_TIMEOUT
3 ON - Transfers control to one of a list of lines.=ON
3 ON CYCLE - Defines a repeating event branch.=ON_CYCLE
3 ON DELAY - Defines an event branch after specified seconds.=ON_DELAY
3 ON END - Defines an event branch for end-of-file conditions.=ON_END
3 ON EOR - Defines an event branch for end-of-record conditions.=ON_EOR
3 ON EOT - Defines an event branch for end-of-transfer conditions.=ON_EOT
3 ON ERROR - Defines an event branch for trappable errors.=ON_ERROR
3 ON INTR - Defines a hardware interrupt initiated branch.=ON_INTR
3 ON KBD - Defines an event branch for when a key is pressed.=ON_KBD
3 ON KEY - Defines an event branch for when a softkey is pressed.=ON_KEY
3 ON KNOB - Defines an event branch for when the KNOB is turned.=ON_KNOB
3 ON SIGNAL - Defines an event branch for SIGNAL statement.=ON_SIGNAL
3 ON TIME - Defines a single event branch for a specific time.=ON_TIME
3 ON TIMEOUT - Defines an event branch for an I/O timeout.=ON_TIMEOUT
3 OPTION BASE - Sets the default lower bound of array subscripts.=OPTION_BASE
3 OR - Returns the logical inclusive OR of two expressions.=OR
3 OUT and OUTW - Outputs a byte or word to an I/O Port.=OUT_and_OUTW
3 OUTPUT - Outputs items to a specified destination.=OUTPUT
3 PASS CONTROL - Passes Active Controller capability.=PASS_CONTROL
3 PAUSE - Pauses program execution.=PAUSE
3 PDIR - Sets the rotation angle for IPLOT, RPLOT, POLYGON and RECTANGLE.=PDIR
3 PEN - Sets the line color or physical pen.=PEN
3 PENUP - Raises the PEN on the current plotting device.=PENUP
3 PERMIT - Changes file protection permissions.=PERMIT
3 PI - Returns the value 3.14159265358979.=PI
3 PIVOT - Rotates the coordinates of all drawn lines.=PIVOT
3 PLOT - Moves the pen to the specified X and Y coordinates.=PLOT
3 PLOTTER IS - Specifies the graphics output device and language.=PLOTTER_IS
3 POLYGON - Draws a closed regular polygon, circle, or ellipse.=POLYGON
3 POLYLINE - Draws an open regular polygon.=POLYLINE
3 POS - Returns the position of one string within another.=POS
3 PPOLL - Conducts an IEEE-488 Parallel Poll and returns status.=PPOLL
3 PPOLL CONFIGURE - Configures remote IEEE-488 device parallel poll response.=PPOLL_CONFIGURE
3 PPOLL RESPONSE - Configures local IEEE-488 device parallel poll response.=PPOLL_RESPONSE
3 PPOLL UNCONFIGURE - Disables the parallel poll response of a specified device or devices.=PPOLL_UNCONFIGURE
3 PRINT - Outputs data to the PRINTER IS device.=PRINT
3 PRINT LABEL - Assigns a name to a data storage volume.=PRINT_LABEL
3 PRINT PEN - Selects the pen color used for the output area and DISP line.=PRINT_PEN
3 PRINTALL IS - Assigns a logging device for operator interaction and error messages.=PRINTALL_IS
3 PRINTER IS - Specifies the system printing device.=PRINTER_IS
3 PROTECT - Changes file attributes.=PROTECT
3 PROUND - Rounds the argument to the specified power of ten.=PROUND
3 PRT - Returns the default device selector for the printer.=PRT
3 PURGE - Deletes a file or a directory on a mass storage media.=PURGE
3 QUIT - Quits the BASIC child window and returns to blank parent window.=QUIT
3 RAD - Sets the trigonometric mode to radians.=RAD
3 RANDOMIZE - Selects a seed for the RND function.=RANDOMIZE
3 RANK - Returns the number of dimensions in an array.=RANK
3 RATIO - Returns the ratio of X to Y hard-clip limits for the PLOTTER IS device.=RATIO
3 READ - Reads values from DATA statements.=READ
3 READ KEY - Returns one or more softkey macro definitions.=READ_KEY
3 READ LABEL - Reads a volume label.=READ_LABEL
3 READ LOCATOR - Reads the locator device without waiting for a digitize operation.=READ_LOCATOR
3 READIO - Reads a hardware register or a memory byte/word.=READIO
3 REAL - Reserves storage for floating point variables and arrays.=REAL___Reserves_storage_for_floating_point_variables_and_arrays_
3 REAL - Converts an INTEGER or COMPLEX number to REAL.=REAL__Converts_an_INTEGER_or_COMPLEX_number_to_REAL.
3 RECTANGLE - Draws and optionally fills and edges rectangles.=RECTANGLE
3 REDIM - Redimensions an array by changing the subscript ranges.=REDIM
3 REM - Begins a REMark or comment line for program documentation.=REM
3 REMOTE - Sets the remote state on a IEEE-488 device.=REMOTE
3 REN - Renumbers program lines.=REN
3 RENAME - Changes the name of a file.=RENAME
3 REPEAT ... UNTIL - Defines a loop that is repeated UNTIL a condition is satisfied.=REPEAT_____UNTIL
3 REQUEST - Sends a Service Request SRQ on the IEEE-488.=REQUEST
3 RE-SAVE - Copies the program into the specified ASCII file.=RE_SAVE
3 RES - Returns the result of the last numeric keyboard calculation.=RES
3 RESET - Resets an interface or file or buffer pointers.=RESET
3 RESTORE - Specifies which DATA statement to use for the next READ operation.=RESTORE
3 RE-STORE - Stores the BASIC program in a file.=RE_STORE
3 RE-STORE KEY - Stores the KEY definitions in a file.=RE_STORE_KEY
3 RESUME INTERACTIVE - Restores the normal functions of program control keys.=RESUME_INTERACTIVE
3 RETURN - Returns to the program line following the last GOSUB line.=RETURN
3 REV$ - Reverses the sequence of characters in a string.=REV$
3 RND - Returns a pseudo-random number.=RND
3 ROTATE - Shifts a 16 bit binary value with wraparound.=ROTATE
3 RPLOT - Moves the pen relative to the current graphic location.=RPLOT
3 RPT$ - Returns a string replicated a specified number of times.=RPT$
3 RUN - Starts program execution.=RUN
3 RUNLIGHT - Controls the display of the pseudo runlight on the display.=RUNLIGHT
3 SAVE - Saves the current program into an ASCII file.=SAVE
3 SBYTE - Checks for second byte of a two byte character.=SBYTE
3 SC - Returns the interface select code associated with an I/O path name.=SC
3 SCRATCH - Clears user memory.=SCRATCH
3 SECURE - Protects programs lines.=SECURE
3 SELECT ... CASE - Defines a CASE block structure.=SELECT_____CASE
3 SEND - Sends messages on the IEEE-488 bus.=SEND
3 SEPARATE ALPHA FROM GRAPHICS - On a bit-mapped display, simulates 9836 style alpha/graphics=SEPARATE_ALPHA_FROM_GRAPHICS
3 SET ALPHA MASK - Determines which plane(s) can be modified by ALPHA display operations.=SET_ALPHA_MASK
3 SET CHR - Defines the bit-patterns for one or more characters.=SET_CHR
3 SET DISPLAY MASK - Specifies which planes can be seen on the alpha display.=SET_DISPLAY_MASK
3 SET ECHO - Sets the echo location on the PLOTTER IS device.=SET_ECHO
3 SET KEY - Defines one or more softkey macros.=SET_KEY
3 SET LOCATOR - Sets a new graphic locator position on the GRAPHICS INPUT IS device.=SET_LOCATOR
3 SET PEN - Defines part or all of the color map.=SET_PEN
3 SET TIME - Sets the time of day clock.=SET_TIME
3 SET TIMEDATE - Sets the date and time of the computer's clock.=SET_TIMEDATE
3 SGN - Returns the arithmetic sign of an expression.=SGN
3 SHIFT - Shifts a 16 bit binary value.=SHIFT
3 SHOW - Defines the graphics unit-of-measure isotropically.=SHOW
3 SIGNAL - Initiates a software interrupt.=SIGNAL
3 SIN - Returns the sine of the argument.=SIN
3 SINH - Returns the hyperbolic sine of an expression.=SINH
3 SIZE - Returns the number of elements of an array dimension.=SIZE
3 SOUND - Produces tones on the computer speaker.=SOUND
3 SPOLL - Performs a serial poll of a IEEE-488 device.=SPOLL
3 SQRT - Returns the square root of an expression.=SQRT
3 STATUS - Returns control information from an interface or I/O path.=STATUS
3 STOP - Terminates program execution.=STOP
3 STORE - Stores the BASIC program in a file.=STORE
3 STORE KEY - Stores the softkey definitions in a file.=STORE_KEY
3 STORE SYSTEM - Stores BASIC and loaded BINs into a file.=STORE_SYSTEM
3 SUB - Defines a subprogram and specifies formal parameters.=SUB
3 SUM - Returns the sum of all elements in a numeric array.=SUM
3 SUSPEND INTERACTIVE - Deactivates program control keys.=SUSPEND_INTERACTIVE
3 SYMBOL - Allows the user to define label symbols.=SYMBOL
3 SYSBOOT - Reboots the computer.=SYSBOOT
3 SYSTEM KEYS - Displays the System Softkeys Menu.=SYSTEM_KEYS
3 SYSTEM PRIORITY - Sets the system priority to a specified level.=SYSTEM_PRIORITY
3 SYSTEM$ - Returns system status and configuration information.=SYSTEM$
3 TAN - Returns the tangent of an expression.=TAN
3 TANH - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an expression.=TANH
3 TIME - Converts a time-of-day string to seconds after midnight.=TIME
3 TIME$ - Returns a formatted time of day string.=TIME$
3 TIMEDATE - Returns the current time and date from the clock.=TIMEDATE
3 TIMEZONE IS - Corrects between GMT and local time for HP BASIC/WS.=TIMEZONE_IS
3 TRACE - Controls the display of information about a running program.=TRACE
3 TRACK - Enables or disables tracking of the locator position on the display device.=TRACK
3 TRANSFER - Performs an unformatted I/O transfer.=TRANSFER
3 TRIGGER - Sends a trigger message to all or selected devices on the IEEE-488.=TRIGGER
3 TRIM$ - Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.=TRIM$
3 UNLOCK - Removes exclusive access protection from a LOCKed file.=UNLOCK
3 UPC$ - Converts characters in a string to uppercase characters.=UPC$
3 USER KEYS - Displays the specified User Softkey Menu.=USER_KEYS
3 VAL - Converts a string into a numeric value.=VAL
3 VAL$ - Converts a number into its string representation.=VAL$
3 VIEWPORT - Defines the area of the graphic device used for output.=VIEWPORT
3 WAIT - Waits a specified time or for TRANSFER events.=WAIT
3 WHERE - Returns the logical pen position.=WHERE
3 WHILE - Repeats an action while a condition is true.=WHILE
3 WILDCARDS - Enables or disables wildcard support.=WILDCARDS
3 WINDOW - Sets the bounds for displayable graphics data in user defined units.=WINDOW
3 WRITEIO - Writes to a hardware register or a memory byte/word.=WRITEIO
3 XREF - Generates a cross reference of a program.=XREF
2 Appendiz A Error Values
3 Error Codes 1-49=Error_Codes_1_49
3 Error Codes 26-49=Error_Codes_26_49
3 Error Codes 50-99=Error_Codes_50_99
3 Errors 100-149=Errors_100_149
3 Error Codes 150-299=Error_Codes_150_299
3 Errors 300-459=Errors_300_459
3 Errors 460-699=Errors_460_699
3 Error Codes 700-899=Error_Codes_700_899
3 Errors 900-999=Errors_900_999
3 Error Codes 1000-2099=Error_Codes_1000_2099
3 Error Codes 10,000+=Error_Codes_10_000_
3 Error 1=Error_1
3 Error 2=Error_2
3 Error 3=Error_3
3 Error 4=Error_4
3 Error 5=Error_5
3 Error 6=Error_6
3 Error 7=Error_7
3 Error 8=Error_8
3 Error 9=Error_9
3 Error 10=Error_10
3 Error 11=Error_11
3 Error 12=Error_12
3 Error 13=Error_13
3 Error 14=Error_14
3 Error 15=Error_15
3 Error 16=Error_16
3 Error 17=Error_17
3 Error 18=Error_18
3 Error 19=Error_19
3 Error 20=Error_20
3 Error 22=Error_22
3 Error 24=Error_24
3 Error 25=Error_25
3 Error 26=Error_26
3 Error 27=Error_27
3 Error 28=Error_28
3 Error 29=Error_29
3 Error 30=Error_30
3 Error 31=Error_31
3 Error 32=Error_32
3 Error 33=Error_33
3 Error 34=Error_34
3 Error 35=Error_35
3 Error 36=Error_36
3 Error 38=Error_38
3 Error 40=Error_40_1
3 Error 41=Error_41
3 Error 43=Error_43
3 Error 44=Error_44
3 Error 46=Error_46
3 Error 47=Error_47
3 Error 49=Error_49
3 Error 51=Error_51
3 Error 52=Error_52
3 Error 53=Error_53
3 Error 54=Error_54
3 Error 55=Error_55
3 Error 56=Error_56
3 Error 58=Error_58
3 Error 59=Error_59
3 Error 60=Error_60
3 Error 64=Error_64
3 Error 65=Error_65
3 Error 67=Error_67
3 Error 68=Error_68
3 Error 72=Error_72
3 Error 80=Error_80
3 Error 82=Error_82
3 Error 83=Error_83
3 Error 84=Error_84
3 Error 85=Error_85
3 Error 88=Error_88
3 Error 89=Error_89
3 Error 90=Error_90
3 Error 100=Error_100
3 Error 101=Error_101
3 Error 102=Error_102
3 Error 103=Error_103
3 Error 105=Error_105
3 Error 106=Error_106
3 Error 107=Error_107
3 Error 117=Error_117
3 Error 118=Error_118
3 Error 120=Error_120
3 Error 122=Error_122
3 Error 128=Error_128
3 Error 131=Error_131
3 Error 133=Error_133
3 Error 134=Error_134
3 Error 136=Error_136
3 Error 141=Error_141
3 Error 142=Error_142
3 Error 143=Error_143
3 Error 145=Error_145
3 Error 146=Error_146
3 Error 150=Error_150
3 Error 153=Error_153
3 Error 155=Error_155
3 Error 157=Error_157
3 Error 158=Error_158
3 Error 159=Error_159
3 Error 163=Error_163
3 Error 164=Error_164
3 Error 167=Error_167
3 Error 168=Error_168
3 Error 170=Error_170
3 Error 171=Error_171
3 Error 172=Error_172
3 Error 173=Error_173
3 Error 177=Error_177
3 Error 183=Error_183
3 Error 186=Error_186
3 Error 187=Error_187
3 Error 188=Error_188
3 Error 189=Error_189
3 Error 190=Error_190
3 Error 191=Error_191
3 Error 193=Error_193
3 Error 194=Error_194
3 Error 195=Error_195
3 Error 196=Error_196
3 Error 290=Error_290
3 Error 330=Error_330
3 Error 331=Error_331
3 Error 332=Error_332
3 Error 333=Error_333
3 Error 334=Error_334
3 Error 335=Error_335
3 Error 338=Error_338
3 Error 340=Error_340
3 Error 341=Error_341
3 Error 342=Error_342
3 Error 343=Error_343
3 Error 344=Error_344
3 Error 346=Error_346
3 Error 347=Error_347
3 Error 40=Error_40_2
3 Error 427=Error_427
3 Error 435=Error_435
3 Error 453=Error_453
3 Error 455=Error_455
3 Error 456=Error_456
3 Error 459=Error_459
3 Error 460=Error_460
3 Error 462=Error_462
3 Error 465=Error_465
3 Error 471=Error_471
3 Error 481=Error_481
3 Error 482=Error_482
3 Error 485=Error_485
3 Error 511=Error_511
3 Error 543=Error_543
3 Error 553=Error_553
3 Error 554=Error_554
3 Error 557=Error_557
3 Error 558=Error_558
3 Error 559=Error_559
3 Error 560=Error_560
3 Error 561=Error_561
3 Error 562=Error_562
3 Error 563=Error_563
3 Error 564=Error_564
3 Error 565=Error_565
3 Error 566=Error_566
3 Error 567=Error_567
3 Error 569=Error_569
3 Error 570=Error_570
3 Error 571=Error_571
3 Error 572=Error_572
3 Error 573=Error_573
3 Error 574=Error_574
3 Error 602=Error_602
3 Error 603=Error_603
3 Error 604=Error_604
3 Error 606=Error_606
3 Error 609=Error_609
3 Error 611=Error_611
3 Error 612=Error_612
3 Error 620=Error_620
3 Error 623=Error_623
3 Error 624=Error_624
3 Error 625=Error_625
3 Error 700=Error_700
3 Error 704=Error_704
3 Error 705=Error_705
3 Error 708=Error_708
3 Error 713=Error_713
3 Error 730=Error_730
3 Error 733=Error_733
3 Error 810=Error_810
3 Error 815=Error_815
3 Error 826=Error_826
3 Error 827=Error_827
3 Error 831=Error_831
3 Error 832=Error_832
3 Error 833=Error_833
3 Error 841=Error_841
3 Error 863=Error_863
3 Error 898=Error_898
3 Error 899=Error_899
3 Error 900=Error_900
3 Error 901=Error_901
3 Error 902=Error_902
3 Error 903=Error_903
3 Error 905=Error_905
3 Error 906=Error_906
3 Error 909=Error_909
3 Error 910=Error_910
3 Error 935=Error_935
3 Error 936=Error_936
3 Error 937=Error_937
3 Error 940=Error_940
3 Error 949=Error_949
3 Error 951=Error_951
3 Error 956=Error_956
3 Error 962=Error_962
3 Error 963=Error_963
3 Error 977=Error_977
3 Error 980=Error_980
3 Error 985=Error_985
3 Error 987=Error_987
3 Error 1100=Error_1100
3 Error 1101=Error_1101
3 Error 1102=Error_1102
3 Error 1103=Error_1103
3 Error 1104=Error_1104
3 Error 1105=Error_1105
3 Error 1106=Error_1106
3 Error 1107=Error_1107
3 Error 1108=Error_1108
3 Error 1109=Error_1109
3 Error 1110=Error_1110
3 Error 2000=Error_2000
3 Error 2001=Error_2001
3 Error 2002=Error_2002
3 Error 2003=Error_2003
3 Error 2004=Error_2004
3 Error 2005=Error_2005
3 Error 2006=Error_2006
3 Error 2007=Error_2007
3 Error 2008=Error_2008
3 Error 2009=Error_2009
3 Error 2010=Error_2010
3 Error 2011=Error_2011
3 Error 2012=Error_2012
3 Appendix B - ASCII Code Chart
4 Appendix B - ASCII Code Chart=Appendix_B___ASCII_Code_Chart
:include htbusers.cnt
:include htbinstall.cnt
:include bplus.cnt